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Farmer Simulator 2008 (landwirtschafts simulator 2008)



vedo kaže:
Ako te interesuje bilo šta o ls evo ti link:


A imam i ja jedno pitanje:Da li će ls 2009 "trzati"ako je RAM 512mb.Čuo sam da minimalno treba da ima 1024 mb????

Pa meni nekada sece koji imam 2gb rama kada ubacim puno modova a ne tebi koji imas 4 puta manje...bez ljutnje ..


predator95 kaže:
vedo kaže:
Ako te interesuje bilo šta o ls evo ti link:


A imam i ja jedno pitanje:Da li će ls 2009 "trzati"ako je RAM 512mb.Čuo sam da minimalno treba da ima 1024 mb????

Pa meni nekada sece koji imam 2gb rama kada ubacim puno modova a ne tebi koji imas 4 puta manje...bez ljutnje ..
Ok a da li bi mogao na 512 mb bez puno modova,pošto namjeravam ubaciti modove na ls 2008 :?:


Ok a da li bi mogao na 512 mb bez puno modova,pošto namjeravam ubaciti modove na ls 2008 :?:[/quote]

Nebi trebalo bez modova da ti kuci,al nista ti ne garantujem..


predator95 kaže:
Ok a da li bi mogao na 512 mb bez puno modova,pošto namjeravam ubaciti modove na ls 2008 :?:

Nebi trebalo bez modova da ti kuci,al nista ti ne garantujem..[/quote]

Dobro onda sve u svemu hvala ti puno pomogao si mi pravo ;)


Novi član
Tu od
7 Velj 2009
Evo kako bi trebalo biti u LS2010 al jos nista nije potvrdeno

Three modes: multiplayer, career and guidance.(most likely missions)

Career mode, players begin by choosing a country (similar to JD American Farmer)


Business and first person mode:
When you "work" mode to enter the main building to take
Here, you see a map of the territory can check prices and to sell produce.

Farms competitors:
Start with your neighbors, rivals such as farm
They will be controlled by AI, and both can be sold and bought land from them.
you with them, sharing equipment, collaboration, etc.

On fertility of plants in an area would vary depending on what was in last year
crop rotation so that players can use to increase yields.
Different soil types, for example, muddy soil, it will be difficult to train for.
Using dual tractor tires on the ground will reduce packaging and increase efficiency.
Both manure (liquid and solid) and chemical fertilizers should be avalible.

Other plants such as peas, oat, etc.
Fruits such as grapes and apples.
Realistic yields and prices
For example, wheat varieties both spring and autumn.
Weeds and pests that they behave differently in different species and different behaviors to be removed.
Wild animals such as wild boar, you can hire hunters to reduce the threat of plant locations.

Dynamic weather effects, for example the ground for fertilizer, distant rain may be flushed
Some plants may disappear entirely in the rain or drought
System of a season.

Players, local dealers to buy and sell machines you can visit
Moreover, weight, tires, you can buy accessories such as GPS, etc.
Many different brands, so be Zetor JD
there should be both used and new tractors.
Damage to machines and have them repaired
Repair cost is very cheap to very expensive change.

Cattle, pigs, sheep, poultry, and more.
Different races and animal species,
Different races, will have different views and qualifications.
Animals get sick and need to have the fed.
in your grazing animals and can be stored within.
Different feeds.

Different Countries:
You can choose between different countries
has a different climate, soil, etc.
Some brands and breeds will be difficult to get into an area and the other will be unique
For example, cattle breeds "Swedish red and white" will be available in the Swedish scenario
which combines compiled and will be sold in the U.S.

Tractor When finished the drive, also a mud sown / And I just plowed field lines mark the actual tire and the ground when the farming Furrows should be seen as going on to leave tire marks was torn up to leave a flat riding crop. Cabin time Furrows gradually shaking and general areas.

Horse For example, a Ford right so that the power ratio 13 furrow plow could support, and a brake failure while trying to pull something big may. . . .
Suspension at the same time, smoke and all cabins How can it be to accelerate the changes and how these changes just a solid sound, make noise, injuries due to speed 'exhaust!

First farmers and third-person view, and indeed, because a tractor fast hard, you get farmers and re-tired to walk after a sprint I want to see running about when sprinting. . waiting for sprint charge, and thus into your seat on a tractor her door is open. . .

Tractor cab and the arm and focus on the details of stuff, all by pressing t to move according to what the glass, it dripping down the screen and you have to use the wind screen wipers You can see when the rains are realistic. Also above cabinets and fog You need to put air conditioning.

Around for four players working on the farm, local or private, with a password so that you and your servers Some of your friends so all the crops in five years with much perseverance decisions may be protected without the farm. There are also automatically as they all do and all you can come back any time Continue to save the last person to leave the game to talk about saving Next, you will not have to be there at the same time favirote menu servers will be like a button or say anything and just Even then there's 0 / 4 player that can rejpoin.


Tu od
15 Ožu 2009
waaa .. jedva cekam ! imat cemo susjede i moci cemo dijeliti opremu ! waa .... jao tek sad citam a već mi se dopada .. a jel se možda zna kad izlazi ????


lijepo nadam se da neće biti prezahtjevna igirca :) mislim na grafiku i ostalo


pošto ja iz engleskog imam 2 :D , bilo bi lijepo kad bi neko to ukratko preveo na hrv...a ovo što sam uspio natucati(skužiti) čini se da će biti dobro...jedva čekam :mrgreen: ... samo me zanima onaj dio physics? aj samo to nek neko prevede ako zna molim lijepo...nisam sve skužio :scratch


Re: Farmer Simulator 2009 (landwirtschafts simulator 2009)

Dali neko zna što na ls 2009 treba sa onim kamionom i onim njegovim priključcima :?: . hvala unaprijed. :?: :scratch


Re: Farmer Simulator 2009 (landwirtschafts simulator 2009)

David kaže:
Dali neko zna što na ls 2009 treba sa onim kamionom i onim njegovim priključcima :?: . hvala unaprijed. :?: :scratch

a da malo detaljnije opišeš???? :scratch koji kamion i koji priključci?


Re: Farmer Simulator 2009 (landwirtschafts simulator 2009)

JEL ZNA NEKO KAD CE ls 2010....... :?: :?: ?


Re: Farmer Simulator 2009 (landwirtschafts simulator 2009)

lovro132 kaže:
JEL ZNA NEKO KAD CE ls 2010....... :?: :?: ?

čito sam i piše 1.7. al nije još sigurno, moglo bi to bit i puno kasnije
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