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U časopisu Agrartechnik iz lipnja 2004 u usporedbi između Dolmar 7300, Husqvarna 372XP, Shindaiwa 757 i Stihl MS 440 navode slijedeće:
"With its 7000 series chainsaws Dolmar re-entered the professional market last year in style – as the placements in the German forestry championships attest. The PS-7300 is a brand-new product featuring state-of-the-art engine technology, which translates into superior performance and impressive torque delivery. Put simply, it has real „bite”. And it combines this with very good fuel economy. At 6.3 kilos it is not the lightest saw in its class, but it does have the best power-to-weight ratio. The air filter cover is in two sections, so only the rear section needs to be removed when cleaning the air filter – a feature that the smaller PS-5000 would benefit from. The factory engine setting was in order, as expected. Chip clearance in the rip cut test was good. The cold start performance is also very creditable, with two plus two pulls. The subjective appraisals of the four-man test team with regard to vibration and noise more or less matched the laboratory measurements. They compare well with other saws that use steel spring damping systems. The controls are simple The PS-7300 delivers the „bite“ that the professionaluser needs. There were no complaints about access to the servicing points. to use, although the testers disagreed as to whether two buttons with separate functions are simpler to use than just the one. We liked the handling though. The oil flow adjustment for the chain oiler is located on the underside of the saw, as with all the models tested, but we thought the positive ratchet settings made it somewhat easier to find the correct position. In fact we can confirm that the PS-7300 is a state-of-the-art machine in just about every technical respect. The same could be said for the design – with some reservations. The latest generation of saws from the same manufacturer does make the 7000 series look slightly dated, it has to be said..."
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Inače buraz mi ima Dolmar 7300, ali nekao od Buče nego s dekompresorom i grijanim ručkama. Nabavio je novu za cijenu koliko je inače kod nas koštala Husky 365 SP. Pošto ja imam Husky 365SP moram priznati da je Dolmarica puno jača i brža. ( i dosta ružnija :icon_lol
