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Germany Is and Will Remain
a Dominant Exporter
Despite calls from many fronts that Germany start doing more buying i.e. consuming more as a country, it is highly unlikely this will ever happen. Consider this excellent summary of Germany as a major export power and its implications from Stratfor.com's George Friedman:
"The German economy was designed to be export-based. Its industrial plant outstrips domestic consumption; it must therefore export to prosper. A free trade zone built around the world's second-largest exporter by definition will create tremendous pressures on emerging economies seeking to grow through their own exports.
"The European free trade zone thus systematically undermined the ability of the European periphery to develop because of the presence of an export-dependent economy that both penetrated linked economies and prevented their development."
Unless the countries of Europe are willing to sit by and effectively become low cost labor markets for German industrialists and satellite branches of Berlin, they will have to find a way to compete against Germany.
And given the massive labor/technological/innovative lead that Germany has, it will be impossible for countries inside the euro zone to catch up.
To catch up, or at least provide a relative level of competition against Germany, countries must regain control of the three variables they forfeited to become a part of the single currency: Money supply, interest rates, and currency level.
This will be impossible under the current structure and straightjacket of a single currency, single monetary policy, and unified fiscal discipline.
Consequently, there is only one way out: Leave the euro and go back to their original currencies.
I think it's as simple as that.
Zato nema poticaja jer švabe traže pare da se sustavno vračaju. Kako to da bilo koji političari kad dođu na vlast odmah spucaju milijune na novo švapska vozila?
Ne koreanska nego švapska
I što kaže opet jedan amer...
Foley je svjestan da je neoliberalizam u Europi omražena riječ, ali smatra da je Hrvatska presiromašna da podrži i potiče politiku slobodnog tržišta. On smatra da bi nam bilo primjerenije slijediti europske socijaldemokratske modele koje baštine Švedska ili Finska.
I zato nema poticaja, i manje kuna je u opticaju, i koliko god da nisko prodaješ proizvod kuna nema. I još će cijena mlijeka dole, kao i mesa, prvo će malo rasti a onda će se zgromitiu dole.