Dobro znana faca
- Tu od
- 16 Pro 2008
- Poruka
- 1,728
Da istina je to sa tvornicom pod vedrim nebom,,,
prednost koju ja tu vidim je sto imas gotovu armaturu za protugradnu zastitu,,,
Nisam 100% siguran da je ovo sto sam nasao na americkim stranicama isti dio teksta kao i kod nas pa sam zato trazio potvrdu u zavodu za intelektualno vlasnistvo,,,
Kopirat cu samo dio koji je zanimljiv a tice se zastite (nazalost na engleskom je jeziku pa ce neki morati potegnuti za prevodiocem preko neta,,,
Pa zar je moguce da covijek ulozi milijun kuna u patent i onda ostavi tako sirok prostor za manevriranje (vidi boldano pod tockom 9.)
Sto bi znacilo da se bez ikakvih problema moze posaditi red udaljen od reda 295 cm u sirinu ili 105 cm razmak u redu a da nisi duzan podmiriti troskove zastite intelektualnog vlasnistva,,, :icon_scratch:
Da se razumijemo nije mi bio cilj traziti rupe u opisu vec mi je bilo cudno da se covijek koji je spreman uloziti tolike novce u zastitu necega ne pobrine da se to nemoze zaobici,,,
Mene je vise zanimao tehnoloski opis onoga sto je patent obuhvaca,,,
Jos uvijek postoji mogucnost da ovo nije cijeli dio teksta koji opisuje patent,,,
prednost koju ja tu vidim je sto imas gotovu armaturu za protugradnu zastitu,,,
Nisam 100% siguran da je ovo sto sam nasao na americkim stranicama isti dio teksta kao i kod nas pa sam zato trazio potvrdu u zavodu za intelektualno vlasnistvo,,,
Kopirat cu samo dio koji je zanimljiv a tice se zastite (nazalost na engleskom je jeziku pa ce neki morati potegnuti za prevodiocem preko neta,,,
The invention claimed is:
1. A method for the cultivation of at least one hazel tree
with a crown having the form of a vertical spindle on a support
in a fully developed state, comprising the steps of:
planting at least one hazel tree seedling and allowing the
seedling to grow and form a hazel tree with a branch;
pruning by splitting the branch within the ?rst year of
planting to form two sub-branches.
2. The method according to claim 1, wherein a plurality of
hazel tree seedlings are planted in two parallel rows with a
distance of 3 to 5 meters between the two rows; wherein the
seedlings within each row have a mutual distance of 0.5 to 1
3. The method according to claim 2, wherein the support
comprises a plurality of support frames, wherein each support
frame is provided at an end of each row; wherein each support
frame comprises a vertical pole and a plurality of horizontal
cross-bars; wherein a wire connects ends of corresponding
crossbars of the support frames within the same row.
4. The method according to claim 3, wherein the vertical
poles has a height of 3 to 5 meters above ground, and are
spaced apart 5-10 meters in one row; wherein the horizontal
crossbars are spaced apart 0.5-l meter along one vertical pole.
5. The method according to claim 1, wherein during the
whole life cycle of hazel tree, manual and/ or machine pruning
by splitting of the branches and the crown is carried out at
least once a year.
6. The method according to claim 5, wherein the hazel tree
in the fully developed state has a vertical cylinder shape of
uniform cross-section, with a height of 3 to 5 meters and a
diameter of 0.5 to 1 meter, with a skeleton consisting of:
a central branch,
radially arranged primary branches attached along whole
height of the central branch each with a length of 0.2 to
0.5 meter,
secondary yielding branches attached to the primary yield
ing branches each with a length of 0.2 to 0.8 meter.
7. A method for the cultivation of at least one hazel tree
with a crown having the form of a vertical spindle on a support
in a fully developed state, comprising the steps of:
planting at least one hazel tree seedling and allowing the
seedling to grow and form a hazel tree with a branch of
one year old;
pruning by splitting the branch of one year old during the
period between the frst year and the second year of the
planting to form two branches of two years old;
pruning by splitting at least one of the branches of two
years old during the period between the second year and
the third year of the planting to form two branches of
three years old; and
pruning by splitting at least one of the branches of three
years old during the period between the third year and
the fourth gear of the planting to form two branches of
four years old;
wherein the branches of the hazel tree are tied to the sup
port at different heights.
8. The method according to claim 7, wherein the hazel tree
in the fully developed state has a vertical cylinder shape of
uniform cross-section, with a height of 3 to 5 meters and a
diameter of 0.5 to 1 meter, with a skeleton consisting of:
a central branch,
radially arranged primary branches attached along whole
height of the central branch each with a length of 0.2 to
0.5 meter,
secondary yielding branches attached to the primary yield
ing branches each with a length of 0.2 to 0.8 meter.
9. The method according to claim 7, wherein a plurality of
hazel tree seedlings are planted in two parallel rows with a
distance of 3 to 5 meters between the two rows; wherein the
seedlings within each row have a mutual distance of 0.5 to 1
Pa zar je moguce da covijek ulozi milijun kuna u patent i onda ostavi tako sirok prostor za manevriranje (vidi boldano pod tockom 9.)
Sto bi znacilo da se bez ikakvih problema moze posaditi red udaljen od reda 295 cm u sirinu ili 105 cm razmak u redu a da nisi duzan podmiriti troskove zastite intelektualnog vlasnistva,,, :icon_scratch:
Da se razumijemo nije mi bio cilj traziti rupe u opisu vec mi je bilo cudno da se covijek koji je spreman uloziti tolike novce u zastitu necega ne pobrine da se to nemoze zaobici,,,
Mene je vise zanimao tehnoloski opis onoga sto je patent obuhvaca,,,
Jos uvijek postoji mogucnost da ovo nije cijeli dio teksta koji opisuje patent,,,
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