Mislim da je ovdje sve objašnjeno, a također moje je mišljenje da do tog bijelog u rajčici dolazi zbog jakog sunca i velikih temperaturnih razlika. Inače moram još reći da u mojim pokusima oni grozdovi rajčice koji su bili jače zasjenjeni odnosno sakriveni u lišću su imali manje izražene te zelene žile.
Blotchy ripening (also gray wall or internal
browning). Blotchy ripening is characterized
by uneven coloring of the fruit wall in the
form of irregular, light green or almost colorless
areas. Brown necrotic areas are frequently
found in the vascular tissue inside the fruit.
Blotchy ripening is associated with conditions
of low light intensity, cool temperatures,
high soil moisture, high nitrogen and
low potassium. While these conditions may
contribute individually to blotchy ripening, a
combination of conditions probably produces
the greatest occurrence of this disorder. Some
varieties are more susceptible than others. To
avoid blotchy ripening when light intensity is
low, apply irrigation and fertilizer (especially
nitrogen) less frequently, but do not attempt
to elevate temperatures more than 10 °F to 15 °F
over the night minimum. If blotchy ripening
occurs under moderate to high light intensity,
the cause may be purely nutritional
(high nitrogen levels, low potassium) or high
soil moisture.
Green Shoulder, Sunscald and
Orange Fruit Color
These disorders are associated with high
temperature or high light intensity. Fruit
temperature, under high light intensity, can
be considerably higher than greenhouse air
temperatures, particularly in localized areas
on the sides and shoulders of fruit exposed to
the sun’s rays. Avoid removing any leaves
which might offer protection to fruit clusters,
especially when the sun is at a higher angle
and fruit may be exposed to its rays for
longer periods.