a jbg...koga god čujem tuži se na njega na getribu i te stvari...pa me zanima mišljenje vas koji imate te starije serije dajca
Kad kupuješ rezervne dijelove ovi u dučanu samo idu aaaaa dx.a jbg...koga god čujem tuži se na njega na getribu i te stvari...pa me zanima mišljenje vas koji imate te starije serije dajca
Pritisak ulja?kolege imam ozbiljan problem s dajcom....sad sam prije ove kiše oral i rotiral...i pri višim okretajima znaći iznad 1500 okretaja u mašini počne lupat neki jarac...i počne dimit...oče klipove ispljunut na auspuh...sad nezz jel da radim s tim il ne...ali to se dešava nakon kakvih 2 sata rada dok se traktor zgrije
ha čuj pritisak je sasvim oke...dns ga upalim i ništa ne lupa...al je okreto cisternu i počeo je nakon 40min sat vremena...ko zna...treba doktora...sad će holland dahtat malo
Zar ga je problem tako goniti cca 50 metara pa matematiku pod ruku i sve je jasno .kad vas vec tak mući di sam stavil post!
Frenda zanima koja je NAJMANJA a ne NAJBRŽA i NAJVEČA brzina kojom rx 170 može ici.
Radi toga je misli na njega priključiti šumarski malčer!!
Znači kad ga stavis u najsporiju brzinu sa full gasom koja je brzina traktora??
Unaprijed zahvaljujem na PRAVOM odgovoru.
je ali jos ga nije kupil pa ga zanima iskustvo od nekog iz prve ruke....Zar ga je problem tako goniti cca 50 metara pa matematiku pod ruku i sve je jasno .
Štopericu imaju gototvo svi danasšnji mobiteli .
Zar ga je problem tako goniti cca 50 metara pa matematiku pod ruku i sve je jasno .
Štopericu imaju gototvo svi danasšnji mobiteli .
za rx170 mislim da je najsporije 0,4 kmh pri 2200 rpm...
The technical characteristic of tractor "TORPEDO" RX-170 are investigated. It belongs to massive tractors and has 125 kW(170 HP) per DIN norms, and big frontal 6 cylinder air cooling engine. motor has the modern, direct filling with fuel through "BOSCH" pump. This conception attains the minimal fuel consupmtion which offers the big authonomy of tractor by 2 tanks with total 250 l of fuel. The gear shift transmission is of a type ZF T-3550. It has 20 gears for forward driving and 9 gears for backward driving. It is attained by combination of 6 basic gears with 2 group degrees plus so calld group of sliding gears. Diapason of maximal gears in each gear is 1,3-30 km/ha. The front wheel drive can be started under load, and also the differential can be blockaded under load too. The conecting shaft can select 2 gears (540 and 1000 min). The front wheele axle TP 350 helps the total usage of engine power. The hydraulics of great lift power (58000 N) has 4 working functions. The force regulation is attained through lower bars of three joints. Two additional hydrocylinders attaine the average lift force to transversal bar of 58000 N. Special pump of the capacity 45 l/min brings the water to hydraulics. The lifting tie bars can be separately regulated by its height. The degree of noise in cab is less than 80 dB/A. The cab is equiped with air conditioner, stereo ... etc.