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KULTIVATORI - špartači


Tu od
9 Velj 2011
Stavi ga na beton i moticice postavi na istu visinu i to je to..
Dok ga zakopcas na traktor, postelaj ga da toplink bude skroz ravno i onda pritegni spanere na obje strane i u kukuruz s njim
Cetveroredni takav moze baciti 180-200 kg gnojiva na ral, a na ovom je sigurno ista skala za stelanje..

Jel da se toplinkom izravna kultivator.


Novi član
Tu od
15 Lip 2015
Re: kultivator MKPO-2

Pozdrav ,

žao izražavanja, u Rumuniji , ne znaju jezik i koristi google translate za prevod .

Kupio sam kultivator MKPO - 2 distribucija đubriva sistema .
Fabrika proizvela kultivatoarele MKPO -2 ?

Đubrivo distributivnog sistema je neispravna . To nedostaje istezanje valjka i podrška valjak za lanac .

Da li možete da mi pomognete sa nekim slikama ili dokumenata da mi pomogne da popravim distribuciju đubriva ?

Vi kontrolišete količinu đubriva po hektaru mašine ?

Ja sam u prilogu neke slike modela koje poseduju .

Hvala za pomoć

My name is Ion Stegarus, and I am from Romania.
Recently I bought an old kultivator MKPO-2. It works fine, except fertilizer distribution system which is damaged: missing the chain tensioning system.
I want to repair but i don't have any documentation or pictures to help me.

Do you have any documentation or pictures to help me?

I attached 3 pictures of a cultivator similar to mine and 2 pictures with the name plate of fertilizer distribution system.


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Posljednje uređivanje:


Aktivni član
Tu od
12 Svi 2008
Hi, i'll try to translate it :) And welcome to forum.
Eto, covjek je kupio kultivator MKPO -2 i radi dobro, osim sustava za gnojivo, tj. nema zatezaca lanca. Pa ga zanima ima li netko neke prospekte ili slike kako to izgleda, da moze napraviti novi.

Ja sam jednom forumasu bio dovezao jedan, ali se ne sjecam kakav je bio zatezac, ako je isti kao na sijacici, slikat cu mu ja.


Super Moderator
Osoblje foruma
Tu od
22 Lip 2007
Upute za sijačicu SKPR imam ja, pa mogu priložiti tablicu količine gnoja ak je od koristi.


Aktivni član
Tu od
12 Svi 2008
Prilozi, lako prevedemo ;)

@IonStegarus, this is tension spring from seading machine, by same company that made you cultivator - OLT. It's company with long tradition, since 1912. Anyhow, @ZJ will post some documentation later, so you can see details how to adjust your cultuvator.


Novi član
Tu od
15 Lip 2015
Re: kultivator MKPO-2

My name is Ion Stegarus, and I am from Romania.
Recently I bought an old kultivator MKPO-2. It works fine, except fertilizer distribution system which is damaged: missing the chain tensioning system.
I want to repair but i don't have any documentation or pictures to help me.

Do you have any documentation or pictures to help me?

I attached 3 pictures of a cultivator similar to mine and 2 pictures with the name plate of fertilizer distribution system.

Thank you all for help

This is my OLT MKPO-2 cultivator. I have chain and wheel that move the chain (they missing in this pictures) and I don't have the chain tensioning system (missing in pictures and in reality)


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Posljednje uređivanje:


Aktivni član
Tu od
12 Svi 2008
It's not hard to make one like on my pics, if you need any dimension details, i can measure it. If you where any closer, we coul find one somewhere, there are a lot of these here and usually not in use. Where did you get this cultivator?


Tu od
16 Lis 2010
Mnogo masina nesto starije generacije je otislo iz Srbije put Rumunije pa cak i dalje Moldavija ... Postoje ljudi koji otkupljuju te masine pretresu prefarbaju i prodaju Rumunima .


Novi član
Tu od
15 Lip 2015
It's not hard to make one like on my pics, if you need any dimension details, i can measure it. If you where any closer, we coul find one somewhere, there are a lot of these here and usually not in use. Where did you get this cultivator?
Thank you itp,

If not too much effort for you please send me some dimension details. Why they (rolles of the chain tensioning system) are not usually in use?

I bought this kultivator from a person which make "small border traffic" with old agricultural machinery. He bought from Serbia and (re)sell in Romania. Sometimes he repainted it.
I see on the ads site ( www.olx.ro) 4-5 persons which bought from Serbia and sell in Romania. I think it is a good bussines for them.

Also, I think OLT made and make good (quality) products.

Thank you


Aktivni član
Tu od
12 Svi 2008
No, not in all, i did this on peace of paper, if you don't understand anything, be free to ask.
When i said they are not in use, i was thinking about cultivators, they are not in use much, it's old thenology. But good thing is that they are simple to use and maintain. I know some people who still have them, but it's usually old people farming 5-6 ha for themself.
I know that people from Romania, Serbia, Bosnia and Kosovo are comming to Croatia and buying old corn pickers and combine harvesters, but i didn't know for small implements.
Yes, OLT, it's good material and good engieering. They are in some problems these days, but still producing.


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Novi član
Tu od
15 Lip 2015
It's not hard to make one like on my pics, if you need any dimension details, i can measure it. If you where any closer, we coul find one somewhere, there are a lot of these here and usually not in use. Where did you get this cultivator?

Do you have a table of fertilizer quantity?
Thank you


Novi član
Tu od
15 Lip 2015
No, not in all, i did this on peace of paper, if you don't understand anything, be free to ask.
When i said they are not in use, i was thinking about cultivators, they are not in use much, it's old thenology. But good thing is that they are simple to use and maintain. I know some people who still have them, but it's usually old people farming 5-6 ha for themself.
I know that people from Romania, Serbia, Bosnia and Kosovo are comming to Croatia and buying old corn pickers and combine harvesters, but i didn't know for small implements.
Yes, OLT, it's good material and good engieering. They are in some problems these days, but still producing.

Hello Mr. itp,
Can you send me more details about mounting bracket of of the chain tensioning system?
Where must be mounted the bracket?

How much cost a kultivator as a mine, in Croatia of course?

What types of cultivators do you use?

Thank you again?


Aktivni član
Tu od
12 Svi 2008
First of all, i'm not Mr. I'm just young man trying to do some farming. Somtimes with more, sometimes with less success.

There should be a horizontal bar on the chassis between boxes. On that bar you should put bracket. There should also be a hole for spring close to that. If there is nothing like that, look for it around operating wheel. I found this pics on internet, try to look for it in area of red line.

Cultivators like that, with two-row are around 150 euro, but you can get them for 100. That's price you would pay for them on scrap yard. I haven't seen one in use for a long time. People are usually having new typ OLT, IMT or Gaspardo. Two days ago i was repairing 4 row IMT cultivator and i don't understand why people are not using spring's instead knives.
I don't have cultivator, it's easier to pay someone to cultivate my 2-3 hectars of corn. And sometime i'm not even cultivating it, just sprying. In some time, i'll probably make myself cultivator, but i don't need any feritilizing systems, just springs.

You are welcome, be free to ask whatever you need.


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Dobro znana faca
Tu od
23 Sij 2008
Ima li možda netko za prodati, ili zna za nekog da prodaje 4 reda IMT kultivator, ali sa dva bočna kotača, znači jedan u sredini NE!? Cjenovno do 6000 kn!
Znači da je u stanju za sređivanje.

I da pitam, dali je kod IMT 4 reda kultivatora bolje da je pogon izbacivača gnojiva smješten na lijevom ili na desnom kotaču??

zeljko kz

Dobro znana faca
Tu od
10 Kol 2012
Najbolje na oba kotača Kranc sistem . (jednako raspoređuje po krivinama).


Super Moderator
Osoblje foruma
Tu od
22 Lip 2007
Šanana, pa kaj nije jednostavnije na postojeći kultivator dodati još jedan kotač?
Ovo za gnoj ti nema puno veze s koje je strane pogon. Bolje je da je s one s koje manje smeta.

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